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Privacy Policy

With this Privacy Policy, you, as the owner of personal information collected about you by The Service Company, are informed about what information is collected, how it is used and what resources you have to influence the use or treatment of your own personal information held by The Service Company.

This Privacy Policy only applies when the company processes personal data as a responsible party within the meaning of Act no. 90/2018 on personal protection and processing of personal data, for example when the company processes personal data of individuals who do business with the company, contacts who act on behalf of legal entities who do business with the company or applicants for jobs at the company.

This Privacy Policy does not cover the company's processing of personal information that takes place in connection with the provision of services to legal entities or in connection with partnership agreements.

In such circumstances, the customer or partner of the company is considered the party responsible for the processing of personal information, but the company then acts as a processor on behalf of the customer or the partner and the company processes such information on the basis of a contract with him. Subcontractors of the Service Provider are considered partners.

At The Service Company, a great emphasis is placed on the security of personal information and its collection is limited to what is absolutely necessary for the company's operations, communication with customers and employees and delivery of services.

If you want to access your personal information, correct it or delete it in part or in whole, limit, object  to or file a complaint regarding its processing, you can contact the privacy officer by phone or by e-mail.

The Service Company's Privacy Officer

tel. +354 772-5950


1. Þjónustuveitan / The Service Company is responsible for the processing of personal information.

  • The Service Company is responsible for the processing of personal data carried out by The Service Company or other brands owned and managed by The Service Company. 

  • The Service Company is a private limited company that operates according to law no. 138/1994 on private limited companies. 

  • The main role of The Service Company is to conduct innovation, research and development on service infrastructure, service processes and service solutions.

  • The Service Company is registered with legal address at Kaldalind 4, 201 Kópavogur, Iceland, but all activities are carried out online.

  • The phone number for The Service Company is +354 772-5950 and the email address is

  • You can find more information about The Service Company here.

2. Privacy Officer

  • You can contact the Privacy Office for The Service Company by calling +354 772-5950 or send an email to​


3. When does Þjónustuveitan / The Service Company process personal data?​

In almost all cases, The Service Company receives personal data directly from you when:

  • You submit a query, suggestion, complaint or other inquiries.

  • You sign up to The Service Company's mailing list.​

  • You sign up for The Service Company's Review Group.

  • You register for an event organized by The Service Company.

  • You request access to data according to administrative law, information law or personal protection law.

  • You apply for a job at The Service Company.

  • You visit The Service Company's website on and agree to the use of cookies.

In the following case, The Service Company receives personal information from someone other than you:

  • When an applicant for a job at The Service Company refers to you for reference.

4. Your rights according to the Personal Protection Act.​

  • According to the privacy legislation, you have certain rights and you can exercise them by sending a request to or calling +354 772-5950.

  • You do not have to pay anything to exercise your rights.

  • The Service Company has up to one month to respond to your request, but the deadline can be extended by two months if the request is particularly extensive.

a.      Right of access

  • You have the right to get access to and a copy of all personal information that The Service Company processes about you. In some cases, exceptions to the right may apply, e.g. due to the rights of others which shall be more important, but the general rule is that the access shall be granted.

b.      Right to rectification

  • You have the right to have personal information about you corrected that you believe is incorrect. 

c.       The right to erasure/the right to be forgotten

  • You have the right to have your personal information deleted, if you want to be forgotten by The Service Company.

d.      Right to restriction of processing

  • You have the right to request that processing be restricted in certain cases.

e.      Right to object to processing

  • You have the right to object to the processing of personal information about you when you believe that The Service Company is processing it without legal authority.

f.       Complaints regarding the processing of personal data

  • If you believe that The Service Company has not processed your personal information lawfully, you should contact the Privacy Officer.

  • If you do not consider The Service Company's response to your complaint to be acceptable, you should contact the Data Protection Authority.

If you want to access your personal information, correct it or delete it in part or in whole, limit, object  to or file a complaint regarding its processing, you can contact the privacy officer by phone or by e-mail.

The Service Company's Privacy Officer

tel. +354 772-5950

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